684. Bonnie Laura WELLS was born on 10 Nov 1924 in Birdell, Randolph Co, AR. She died on 21 Dec 1960. She was buried on 23 Dec 1960 in Lepanto, Poinsett Co, AR.
She was married
to Elbert Alvin WATSON on 22 Jul 1944 in Jonesboro, Craighead Co, AR.
Elbert Alvin WATSON was born on 22 Apr 1914 in Cooter, Pemiscot
Co, MO. He died on 11 Jan 1993. Bonnie Laura WELLS and Elbert Alvin WATSON
had the following children:
+1015 i.
Carol Frances WATSON.
+1016 ii.
Kenneth Nelson 'Kenny' WATSON.
1017 iii.
Larry Alvin WATSON (Private).