58. Mattie Emma LANCE was born on 17 Jul 1874. She died on 13 Jul 1945.

Joseph Enoch MASON was born in 1869. He died on 11 Jan 1905. Mattie Emma LANCE and Joseph Enoch MASON had the following children:

child175 i. J. F. "Frank" MASON was buried in Riverside Cemetery, Tennessee.
child176 ii. Jospeh Marvin Mason MASON was born on 5 Sep 1895. He died on 7 Apr 1947.

Mattie Emma LANCE and Bob GILLEY had the following children:

child177 i. Mattie Lee GILLEY was born on 27 Apr 1907. She died on 4 Mar 1986.
child178 ii. Edward Cormack GILLEY was born on 16 Aug 1908. He died on 13 May 1928.

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